I really tried to be fair.  I watched both conventions from beginning to end.  To be honest I was really wary of the Republican nominee, especially after the selection of Ryan for VP, due to previous information I knew about the goings-on in the House and previously reading Ryan's tax bill (I'm a numbers junkie, numbers never lie).

Anyways,  being a lifelong Republican, I listened to Romney's speech.  With the exception of the remark about "Obama keeping the oceans from rising" and accompanying smirk and eyeroll, he said all the right things.  I really WANTED to believe.  But you know what he said didn't "show" in his eyes.  I can't explain it, but I don't think he even believed what he was saying.

By contrast, the Democratic convention was uplifting, and as mad as I am about what has happened, I began to have hope again.  And the speakers, all of the speakers, believed what they were saying.  Obama's speech was sincere.  Sure, he didn't get into the nitty-gritty, but he did give me more information about his plans than Romney did (which was zero). 

Another thing, and maybe the most important was this.  Other than the myriad shades of people's skin - from lily white, soft cocoa, mahogany and ebony; I saw Sikhs, and Muslims, Jews, Christians (I'm assuming, since they don't have a "native headdress"), and probably a few agnostics and atheists thrown in for good measure.  I saw carefully "coiffed" big-haired women, and more people in that audience that looked like my Mom and Dad, like my friends, obviously middle and lower-middle class.   THESE people represented MY idea of AMERICA .  And for the first time, this party was gung-ho and appreciative of the sacrifices our kids in the armed services make for us every day.  So, yeah, to semi-quote New Mexico's governor, "Damn, I think I might be a Democrat!"

The Republican Party has swung so far right that they've almost come full-circle.  So, probably when they come back around, I'll get back on their band wagon....who knows.  

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